
coming up:

equinox fermentation dinner by mimi ferments
september 21st & 22nd 2024 in berlin (sold out).
i’m very happy to provide foraged wild plants and fruits for these extraordinary dinner series. find more info about the plants that i’ll harvest for the autumn equinox dinner here soon.


Rauszeit – a regenerative retreat in brandenburg, germany
october 18th – 20th 2024.
Rauszeit is an act of removing ourselves from our regular place and regular program. A time out of the city, in nature, in quiet and slowness.
We – Ayumi, Emilie, Florinn, Susanne – created this program for ourselves, for you and for everyone who wants to take time for their wellbeing, health and resilience by focusing on their nervous system and their own needs.
We will share practices that can help us all to balance the demands and stress of daily life. Rauszeit allows you to reconnect with yourself and nature, to rest and regenerate your energies.
Join us for a long weekend at a magical place!

booking & more info:


pilzwanderung – guided mushroom walks for Wildschytz near berlin (in german), october – november. more info soon, stay tuned.



critical tea ceremony
may 27th 2024 @ in futurum, copenhagen denmark

plant connection rituals
may 29th – june 3rd 2024 @ sisters hope home, denmark